DIY Valentine’s Day Sweater
This DIY Valentine’s Day sweater is sure to share all the love!
Let Freedom Ring
If we were forced to only grow one thing for the rest of our days, it would probably be blackberries…with the Prime Ark Freedom being a top contender.
You Can Crust Me - Super Easy Bread, Fast!
First things first, the recipe...so you don’t have to read a bunch of stuff you may not care to read (but if you want to see the cutest Elsa help make this bread, I would keep scrolling after the recipe!).
Caring For Your Newborn ... Plants
When you order starter plants from us, you're essentially receiving a shipment of fragile, newborn plants. Depending on the type of plant you order, they can range in size from 4-12 inches and will be completely dependent on you for survival.
Our Take on Growing 101
Regardless of where you live, whether you plant in pots, buckets, or directly in the ground, the dirt your plants live in matters.