Mineral Tubs
“Where do you get those containers to grow food in?”
This is by far the most commonly asked question we get here at Salty Acres, and for good reason! If you watch almost any of our videos, you will see plants in these containers. They’re food grade, and allow you to plant a lot in a small space without having to tear up a yard…perfect if you rent, or don’t have the space for a traditional garden.
These large containers are called “Mineral Tubs” and are filled with feed for cattle. Each container, when purchased by cattle farmers, weigh about 200 pounds, but once the contents are used, they aren’t of much use to the cattle farmers. Some cattle farmers just give them away, while others sell them.
So, you can find these in your area by either searching for local cattle farmers (or even just finding someone who has a few cattle and isn’t actually running a huge operation) and reaching out to them about their used mineral tubs. You can also check your local marketplace to see if anyone happens to be scraping them as well. You can grow almost anything in them as you can see from our many videos!