Our Take on Growing 101

Dirt Matters

Regardless of where you live, whether you plant in pots, buckets, or directly in the ground, the dirt your plants live in matters. Here at Salty Acres, we use the same basic "dirt" to give all of our plants their best shot at producing for us! We start with one large bag of peat moss and mix that with a large bag of cow manure. Then, depending on what we are planning to plant, we may add pearlite to the peat moss/manure mixture to make sure the soil is properly aerated. You can mix this in a giant container and use it as you plant, or plant directly into the container, depending on what you're planting and what your plans are. We tend to mix ours all in a large container that we pull from when we are ready to plant again.

Once we are ready to plant new starter plants, we dig up a straight line and add our soil mixture. In each spot we plan on placing a new plant we add a handful of bone meal and a handful of blood meal to the soil, these act as a slow-release organic fertilizer and we have found our plants grow more predictably than they do without this addition.

It's in...Now What?!

(...that's what she said)

Once you have your plants planted, they all need the same basic things, just differently. Water, sunlight, pruning...it comes up with every plant, but each type has slightly different needs. Keep an eye out for updates to our site, as we go into detail about the needs and care for each of the different plants we offer!

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Caring For Your Newborn ... Plants